
14. juli 2012

The danish summer

Just found this on facebook, and had to share it with you out there... Tragic that the danish summer has been transformed into one long rainy day. But hey, plenty of time to do our favorite crafty stuff like scrapbooking, sewing and so on...

Wether it is due to the global warming or not, we could still be more considerate when it comes to the environment. Use a fabric tote for shopping, take the bus instead of the car or even better your bike, sort your trash, reuse as many things as possible... plenty of ways to go easy on the CO2 out there ;-) And the best part, it is actually fun to find new ways to repurpose stuff...

1 kommentar:

  1. Haha. Den var sjov.
    Vores byggegrund ligner også som om syndfloden har været her. Så vi kunne godt tænke os tørvejr, så anlægsgartneren kan arbejde her i næste uge.
    Vi andre pakker flyttekasser ud - så vi behøver ikke sol og varme....
    God ny uge til dig.
